Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Mannequin Snap: Story of Queens & Angels Dress

Mannequin Snap: Beige x Brown Classic Lolita

I swear the browns match better in real life! ^^;

Except for one necklace, I haven't decided much on any accessories... Any suggestions? I was going to use my lion's head ring to suit the "nobility" theme going on (the queen on the dress and the hat kind of got me into the idea), but the shade of gold isn't quite right.

Also not really pleased with the socks. I think I'm going to stick to plain lacy tights when I wear this outfit.

Bolero, OP, Bag: Innocent World
Hat, Necklace: Juliette et Justine
Socks: Metamorphose
Shoes: Offbrand

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