Sunday, 23 June 2013

Mannequin Snap: Quite a few!

Oh dear, I've just realised I've fallen behind on keeping this blog posted on my mannequin snaps!

Here's an update of all my previous ones in one shot, as well as the latest one:

Mannequin Snap: Office Classic Lolita?
Mannequin Snap: Office Classic Lolita?

Received my dresses from Lady Sloth and immediately wanted to wear them to the office! I apologize for the flat-ish skirt, but the dress really doesn’t take well to having multiple petticoats. This is rather fussier than what I'd normally wear to the office - actually, I usually just pop on a plain cardigan over the dress. It's so comfy that I wear it to office once a week now!

JSK: Lady Sloth
Bag: Chanel
Parasol: BtSSB
Everything else: Offbrand

Mannequin Snap: Grazia Crown
Mannequin Snap: Grazia Crown

I felt inspired during a closet-cleaning session! Though this bolero + JSK coordinate is not my original coordinate, adding this JetJ skirt to lengthen the JSK is an idea that has been floating around my head since I received the skirt. This is the first time I'm actually putting all the pieces together, and I'm very pleased with the overall outcome!

JSK, Bolero: Innocent World
Skirt: Juliette et Justine
Shoes: LK Bennett
Necklace: Offbrand

Mannequin Snap: Rose Basket Angel
Mannequin Snap: Rose Basket Angel

I was changing outfits on my mannequin and decided to toss this dress onto Manny and start a hime-esque outfit. Incomplete coordinate, but I really love how the bolero looks with the JSK.

Er sorry for the very rumpled appearance! I found the JSK lying crumpled in a heap underneath a pile of dresses XD;

JSK, Bolero: Innocent World
Necklace: Offbrand

Mannequin Snap: Lady Sloth's Mist of Venice
Mannequin Snap: Lady Sloth's Mist of Venice

I spent some time removing the lace from this skirt and thought I'd put it on my mannequin for a bit! This outfit feels like something I'd wear to the office, just with some additional poof to the skirt.

(Actually, I did wear this skirt to the office with no petticoat and a plain dusty pink cardigan and it was an instant hit!)

Skirt: Lady Sloth
Camisole: Innocent World
Blouse, Shoes, Accessories: Offbrand

Mannequin Snap: Mint x Cream
Mannequin Snap: Mint x Cream

Just received these shoes from Bodyline and wanted to pair them with this JSK! The cutsew-blouse looks kinda weird with a JSK... Guess it'll just have to be paired with skirts only.

JSK: Innocent World
Headband, Shoes: Bodyline
Hairbow, Necklace, Cutsew-blouse: offbrand

And now for the latest one!

Mannequin Snap: Muguet in Country Lolita
Mannequin Snap: Country Muguet

I was having some trouble coordinating this OP, because the "white" parts actually have a greyish tinge that's pretty hard to match. But then I put this bonnet on the mannequin while I was rearranging the wig it was on, and I just couldn't get the idea of a country lolita outfit with this OP and bonnet!

OP, Necklace: Juliette et Justine
Bonnet: Infanta
Hair Ribbons: Metamorphose
Bag, Gloves: R-Series
Book: Antique
Rose, Shoes: Offbrand

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